Thoughts on Socks.

Let’s go back for a minute to my pre and during college days… My dad thought it would be absolutely amazing if I became a sock designer… (insert usual late teen eye roll here…)  now whether he was completely serious or not I don’t know but to this day it’s definitely joked about. So when I became serious about my hand knitting of course the comment of my knitting socks came up…

Well let’s say I was easily justifiably (in my mind) not into trying, like, AT ALL.  The thought of how you possible turn a heel, create a gusset, I just couldn’t wrap my head around how it would be done- and patterns I even chanced to look at- oh no, it was a foreign language.

Then came the call saying Dad wasn’t well and … I couldn’t figure out fast enough how I was suppose to make a sock.. Six pairs in and he still hasn’t gotten a pair (really dad, yours are coming I promise!!) but I have become enchanted about how easily it is to wip a pair out pretty quickly. 


 And then…Goomy 50 happened (bottom right hand corner)…   

And I couldn’t avoid the size 0 (yes 0!!) needle size… So to avoid actually experiencing second sock syndrome I looked up two at a time socks and I have learned a few things….:

1) casting on is dreadful, cast on separately and bring together once you’ve joined in the round…you just try navigating periously small rows of tiny stitches and tell me it’s easy!

2) that ladder thing everyone talks about- yeah it happens, and it sucks.

3) picking up stitches in the round for two?- yep that’s interesting to, I think I’ve mastered it though since I ripped out my pick ups 3 separate times! (Check this link out, the visuals helped in figuring out the correct technique…)

4) you get interested stares when you knit two at a time on the subway, and yes many will think they are sleeves…


5) the end result…sure, it pretty much blows all those annoying bad points above out of the water…  Putting on a pair of hand knit socks is pretty f*cking satisfying.

You know you want to be a sock designer…so pick up your double points and do it…. 😉
