The recap to end all recaps… because well it’s 2019…

Hi friends!

It has been quite a long time since I have written! It was be a big understatement if I also never said that the last few months have been busy…. And I mean BUSY. For the sake of my sanity and health I decided to not write at all in the last few months as to relieve a bit of my own workload and stress. Even my knitting has taken a bit of a backseat to the holiday season! I hope to be able to give my readers a little more attention in this New Year; or at least establish a more consistent writing/ posting pattern.

There is so much I want to share with you on what I have been doing the last few months of 2018;  and all the plans I have set in motion for 2019!  So please, don’t leave me yet!  More articles to come in the next few weeks….


Happy New Year to all….


